Thursday, March 30, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Sugar Free Me!!
This Sunday will be one month of being sugar free!! Let me begin to tell you that I feel so good!! I am no longer tired during the day. I fall asleep faster. My skin looks better than ever. My hair is more healthy. I lost 10lbs. I no longer have brain fog but I still have selective hearing. The reason I gave up sugar is because I saw Dr. Perricone's show on PBS recently. I had recorded the show last year and had to chance to view it in February. I also cut down on caffeine. I only get it from Jasmine Green Tea. Dr. Perricone said if your drink green tea everyday for 6 weeks you will lose 10lbs. Makes you think: coffee, soda or green tea!! I am no longer antsy. I am still hyper but its a more of a calm hyperness than a spastic worm. I can actually sit still for more than 5 minutes. I had some withdrawals the first two weeks. Now I feel so much better!!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I've Eaten Road Kill!!!
I saw a dead armadillo on the road last night. Reminded me of the time I ate a piece of that creature. True story....As a child, I would spend my summers in South Texas. One evening while my dad was driving a country road, we felt a thump. My dad stopped the truck, picked up the armadillo he ran over and threw it behind the pickup!!! Mind you, my cousins and I were in the back of the pickup. You hears screams and shrieks!! My dad tells us that it is ok that he is going to cook dinner. I remember my heart thumping and being petrified. We couldn't ride in the front cause it was already full. I thought the damn thing would come alive and scratch the hell out of us. I remember praying all the way back to my grandmother's house. That night my dad made bbq out of the armadillo. Road kill. He also told me that he made brisket. I remember chewing and chewing and wondering what in the hell was that weird taste. Finally someone asked me what was I eating. My uncle shouted she is eating armadillo. I was totally disgusted. I confronted my dad. His answer was, I wanted you to taste it but I knew you wouldn't eat it if you knew it was armadillo. There was no brisket. I cried out out anger and betrayal. I must have been 10 or 11 years old. Now that I am older, I think it is funny as hell. My pinche dad. I had him try sushi last summer. He hated it. I told him that it was better than road kill!!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The 80's
Right now Air Supply is playing on the radio. The song is "Lost In Love".I will admit I have the Best Of Air Supply CD. I am addicted to the 80's music channel on AOL. I hate to admit this but remember Dead or Alive? You Spend Me Round..Yup..I used to dance to that song..Spinning around. Poor me, I thought I was cool at the time. My favorite bands back then were The GoGo's, Depeche Mode, New Order, Duran Duran and The Cure. Silly me, did the Robert Smith hair one time for a party. I even had the Cindy Lauper hair the one with the squares shaved on the side of the head. No I wasn't on drugs just having a great time. The corniest hair style I ever had in the 80's was the one where one side of your hair was short and the other side was long. Oh gosh, what the hell was I thinking????!!! Wait!!! It was the one when I had my bangs dyed blonde because of Duran Duran. Best thing? I always had fun!!! I never really cared what people would say and yes they would say stuff. I would tell them at least I have the guts to be myself and not be shitting in my pants worried about what other people say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pinche Gata
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
He Killed Edgar!!

Edgar, the character on the show 24 was killed the other night. I will truely miss his lisp. I thought Chloe & Edgar would be an item later toward the end of the season. They had penned up sexual chemistry. You know the type. You see someone and you want to jump their bones but you can't because of the circumstances. Ok now leaving la la land.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
A Courtesy Flush Please!!
I can't believe that I am writing about this. A courtesy flush is when someone flushes when the "mole" is coming out for a swim in the toilet. I know I have gagging reflexes when it comes to certain smells. I try for the life of me to stay away from public bathrooms. I don't understand why there are people who don't flush right away. Do they really want to poison the air? And I don't want to hear the plop sound. So was I rude today when I yelled out "courtesy flush please" to the person next to me in a public bathroom? I got to cut down on liquids before I go shopping....................................................