Saturday, August 27, 2005

40 Grand A Year

Someone me called me recently complaining that she couldn't find a job that would pay her 5 digits per year. Yup!! $40,000 is what she wanted with an 8th grade education, no computer skills, no college education or any type of work experience. The longest time she has held a job was 3 weeks. I told her HEY WAKE UP AND SMELL YOUR ARMPIT..IT STINKS AND SO DOES YOUR WORK RESUME!! She was startled by my words. I said you need to start somewhere and work your way up. She is too way to good to be working at a fast food place, a Home Depot or department store. (according to her standards) I don't know what happened to this disillusioned chica. She gave me a hint that she needed some money. I told her there are shelters that would help her with housing and help her get the job skills she needed. I hope she learns to help herself. I am just blown away that she feels anything less that 40 would be a waste of her time. How rude!!


Blogger ~^^~L*C~^^~ said...

Hi - just found your blog -. You did the right thign in what you told that girl. Sometimes, the truth in a forward manner needs to be told. You did the right thing. I admire you outspoken voice! I wish I could be more like that - you know, just tell it like it is!!

3:00 PM  
Blogger Molina Sias Family said...

Hi Elsie,
Thank you. I no longer walk on eggshells when it comes to dealing with the people that I love. I used to be worried about hurting feelings and saying what wanted to be heard. Hell, not anymore. It's liberating!! You will find your outspoken voice when you get tired of hearing certain things. And when you do, be prepared to be called Bitch.

6:41 PM  

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